Call us for more information:
422-9223 to 9224
MICROFINANCE LOANS – (or microcredit) is a financial service that offers deposits, loans, payment services, money transfers and insurance products to poor and low income households, small entrepreneurs and businesses, and groups or individuals who lack access to a standard bank loan and its related services, and giving them the ability to invest in themselves, or their businesses, raise their income levels and improve their living standards through enhanced production and profitability.
Eligible Borrowers/Market Vendors
- Open to all bona fide members of the market vendors’ association in the municipality concerned;
- A member of the association for at least two years and a regular stall owner for at least the same number of years;
- Sari-sari and grocery store owners and any other small business enterprises who are not association members must have legitimate area/stall within the municipality;
- The borrower/client complies with all government and association requirements/permits, legal fees, taxes, etc. relative to legal existence and operation;
- Economically active and entrepreneurial poor with a stable economic activity, and able to sustain and enhance this economic activity with access to even a small amount of readily available funds.
Other applicants to be included for this loan product include:
A. Enterprises
◙ Services (beauty parlor, vulcanizing and repair shop, tailor);
◙ Light Crafts/manufacturing;
◙ Agriculture (non-crop/fishing);
◙ Carinderia/eatery/bakery;
◙ Food processing;
◙ Wholesalers(e.g., viajero)
◙ Others
B. Public Market
◙ Fish vendors
◙ Meat Vendors
◙ Vegetable/Fruit Vendors
◙ Sari-sari stores
◙ Dry goods
◙ Ambulant vendors
◙ Others
C. Transportation
◙ Jeepney/Motorcab
◙ Tricycle/Motorola
◙ Trisikad
◙ Others
D. Others
◙ Farmers
◙ Salaried employees
A. Loan Application
◙ Loan Application Form
◙ Customer Information Form
◙ Signature Card
◙ 2 pcs. Picture 1 x 1
◙ 2 valid Identification Cards
◙ 3 months Proof of Billing (Utility)
*If married, both spouses will sign the application form
B. Other Documents
If Locally Employed
◙ Certificate of Employment with Compensation
◙ Latest Income Tax Return (ITR)
◙ Latest Payslip (2 months)
If Self-employed
◙ Business Registration Papers (DTI/Business Permits)Financial Statements (AFS)
◙ Latest Income Tax Return (ITR)
◙ Bank Statement for the past six (6) months
If Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)
◙ Proof of Monthly Remittances (Bank Statement)
◙ Contract/Certificate of Employment
◙ Crew Contract
If Pensioners
◙ Proof of Pension (Bank Statement for the past 6 mos.)
◙ With Co-maker preferably spouse or children (optional)
C. If Collateral: REM – Real Estate Mortgage
◙ TCT/OCT (Certified True Copy)
◙ Tax Declaration – Land & Building (Certified True Copy)
◙ Real Property Tax Clearance – Land & Building (Latest)
◙ Sketch Plan & Vicinity Map
◙ Fire Insurance/Life Insurance (if applicable)
◙ Special Power of Attorney (if applicable)
D. If Collateral: CHM (Chattel Mortgage), Machineries & Equipments
◙ Price Quotation
◙ Certificate of Registration (CR)
◙ Official Receipt (OR)
◙ Affidavit of Ownership (if applicable)
◙ Comprehensive insurance
◙ Fire Insurance/Life Insurance (if applicable)
◙ Special Power of Attorney (if applicable)
![microfinance loan]](http://dumaguetebank.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/microfinance-loan.jpg)
For more information, please call us:
Dumaguete Branch:
Mobile: 09176326636
Telephone: (035) 225-3891 local 123 and 125
Sibulan Branch:
Mobile: 09173037334
Telephone: (035)226-6127; 419-8730
Lapu-Lapu Branch:
Mobile: 09175440562
Telephone: (032) 495-3402
Valencia, Bukidnon Branch:
Mobile: 09176326642
Telephone: (088) 828-2097
Quezon, Bukidnon Branch:
Mobile: 09176326646
Security Features
Important Reminders
Security Tips
Phishing Advisory
Heartbleed Advisory
Call us for more information:
422-9223 to 9224
Dumaguete City Development Bank is supervised by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas with telephone number (02) 708 7087 and email address: consumeraffairs@bsp.gov.ph
Member: PDIC
Maximum Deposit Insurance for Each Depositor P500,000.
Copyright 2024 Dumaguete City Development Bank. All rights reserved.